Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Post-Cheated-On Girl on Girl

The Post-Cheated-On Girl on Girl

So here's the deal... If you are above your 20s, chances that you were cheated on are pretty high, whether you're a lady or a gentlemen or anything close enough.
Now as a "lady" (or something close enough) myself, I feel the need to share this thing that my fellow ladies/girls/women/whatever tend to do and that annoys me somehow.
Situation is you've been cheated on, you're a mess and so your Super Girl Friends run to your rescue following a certain rescue technique that goes as follow:

Step 1: That girl on girl support, the I feel for you sista/ screw them kind of love, the confidence booster, the kind that makes you feel that the entire world is at your feet:

- "OMG he/she's such a ***** (insert swearword)! I canNOT believe he/she cheated on you with that ***** (insert other swearword)"
- "Believe me you ARE better off without them"
- "They don't deserve you, it's a 100% their loss"
-  "There are a million other ***** (insert gender, depending on one's sexual orientation) a million times better who will love you truly and faithfully"

Step 2: The it's time to move on talk, the don't worry I'm here for you and won't let you fall again speech:

- "No way! you are not getting back together"
- "I'm not letting you fall for their lies again, I am doing this for you! to protect you"
- "You don't love them, you're just still under shock/ hurt. You'll thank me later"
- "This is not any mistake! It doesn't JUST HAPPEN! You cannot believe them! They are fooling you again! Remember: fool me once shame on you, fool me twice... You know this"
- "You need to forget about them and carry on with your life. No you are not alone, I am here for you. ***** (insert girl #1 name), ***** (insert girl #2 name), ***** (insert girl #3 name) ... ***** (insert girl #WTF name)! we're all here for you."
- "You're too nice! Trust me, if I were you I wouldn't even acknowledge their existence anymore. CHEAT ON ME? That's the last thing they'd do in their sad lives"

Step 3: The everyday reminder of how pretty you look, how comfortable you "new" life is, how free you are, how blabla you blabla... as long as it is the culprit-free life. Yeah the one in which you are single again! But hey! "Single AND proud" because your girl friends say so, and "You life is so much better now that it is drama-free" because, (yes, you guessed) your girl friends say so.

Now the brokenhearted disappointed hurt broken piece of human that you are at that early stage of the single life will enjoy every word your girl friends say to you, them who truly love you and know you more than anyone else. You will appreciate the attention, you will love to share the first type of anger towards the person who cheated on you and the second type of anger towards the third party that was at the origin of all of this...
Bottom line, your girl friends understand you, feel for you and you love them for being there for you, for boosting your morale, for supporting you and for being a source of strength for you to move on with your life, start a brighter chapter step by step. Even if at times you feel like you can't do it, you imagine how they would rock and roll if they were in your situation, and you get inspired.

Nothing equals such friendships, and you promised yourself you'd be there for them girl friends, to return the support and help you received when they need it.

And knowing human nature, one of your girl friends, if not all, will eventually sit on that pity party chair and wear the crown of the cheated on's.

Oh boy.... this is so bad.... why do people do this?
You know exactly how it feels... you want to cry with them, scream with them, badmouth every piece of the souls of the culprits- if they have any... tshh-
You start planning help missions disguised in Girls Nights Out and let them mix so much poison, by 2 am, they wouldn't even recognize you.

Oh boy... you're ready! Bring it on sadness! You am pumped, you are there for your friends just like they were there for you. You're not gonna let them slide back into the cheater's arms, you're not gonna let them be fooled by the lies and fake promises they will get told...

Until she hits you with "yeah, they cheated, but they apologized. I know they really love me. Everyone makes mistakes. I forgave them"And BAM, back together, snogging in the corner during that party you were supposed to be her date for; girl power and all that crap.

Oh boy... WAIT WHAT? Sorry... Rewind please! You forgave them?
What happened to all the "you deserve better", the "no way I am letting you fall for their lies again? all the "this is not any mistake" and the "fool me once fool me twice fool me bizillice phrase"?

Oh boy... you also wanted to forgive your cheater. You also know they truly loved you. They apologized to you too... But girl friend said if she were you she would **** (insert bullshit 1)... if she were you she wouldn't **** (insert bullshit 2). And you followed, because she knows better and you trust her. Now she is you , You've been in her situation before, and all she finds to say to you is "you don't understand, what we have is unique."
What they have is uni... what? Does that mean what you had was....

Oh boy... You just got slapped by something along the lines of "no absolutely NOT, you can't even be friends with them after what they did to you" and something along the other lines of "yes, you know, he/she cheated on me more than once but I love him/her, so I am back with him/her" from the exact same person.

Oh yeah, this exact same thing in the paragraph right above happened to me, personally, yes me the person writing all this... And I witnessed it so many times I lost count...
It really bothers me. It annoys me... Why do we do this though? What is it? Hypocrisy? Fear? Denial?

I would really love to know how many of us women have done, been part of or witnessed such thing. And if anyone has an explanation, please I'm all ears, because personally there is nothing I can come up with to explain such behavior.

Monday, January 12, 2015

#Netanyahu Marching for the Freedom of Speech and Against Terrorism With #CharlieHebdo.

#Netanyahu Marching for the Freedom of Speech and Against Terrorism With #CharlieHebdo. 

        I think I've seen it all. Lies, irony, selfishness, injustice and double-standards. I think I'll have an amazing story to tell my grand children someday when they ask me how the world was back in my days...
I'll tell them how much of a beautiful place the world was, I'll tell them stories of great commanders who answered to injustice with justice. I'll tell them about very kind, selfless and very helpful people, I'll tell them about the international support countries could equally get... But the most important thing I'll tell them about is the fact that humans mastered the art of lying as never done before.

The time when 12 deaths stroke the world more than the biggest tsunami could ever do while others die by the thousands and no one give a damn...
A child not older than 7 crashed into pieces under what is left from his house, a father digging the grave of his 5-year-old princess because her castle wasn't built to sustain bombing. We all got used to this section on our daily News that shows a dozen more kids from Palestine crying tears of blood, a couple more in Syria freezing with no food or shelter...

Yes, I will always believe that a nation cannot overcome a crisis unless there are efforts coming from within, then help from outside will always be welcomed. I won't ask country X to provide help for the people of country Y if people of country Y aren't doing anything themselves.
I support the fact that France gets a line of numerous representatives from other countries marching oh so cutely side to side to show their disapproval towards the Charlie Hebdo event... BUT! Where are these representatives the rest of the time? Aren't others fighting hard enough to get help and recognition? Isn't a kid humiliated and frightened enough when he faces a huge armed soldier asking him to empty his school bag, to stand against the wall, to take off his clothes... Doesn't this kid need help more than many others?

Where were these representatives when Netanyahu was playing Counter Strike on Palestine last summer for example? Why isn't anyone marching for the 2000 human lives sent to their graves in Nigeria? Aren't we all humans with two legs, two arms, a body, a head, a brain (to some extent), a heart...? Don't we all need food to survive and then sit on a toilet to make some space for the next meal?
Don't we all fall into the category of "Human Being"? We love all cats and dogs independently of their race, shall we just consider ourselves cats and dogs and then maybe we'll get to that point where no one gives a damn about where you're from or who you pray to?

Some won't get protests or marches or 3 days long coverage from the media; some will bleed by the thousands and cry by the millions, but many others are still standing, not giving up, fighting for what life gave them against those who cowardly hide behind masks, guns, or expensive fancy suits.

Many still keep faith and see hope, and I am one of them.

Quoting Russell Peters for a fun ending: "The funny thing is everyone is fighting with the Arabs, and no one is beating them. You know what that means? Stop fighting with the Arabs (...) You can't intimidate them. If you can't intimidate somebody even a little bit, you can't beat them".

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A little comparison: Emirates Vs Turkish Airlines

A little comparison: Emirates Vs Turkish Airlines

'Sup lovelies!!! This blog is still breathing, yup! I didn't post in a long time because I was busy, then busier then just lazy, but couple days ago, I took Turkish Airlines from Tunisia to Japan and I couldn't help but compare every tiny detail with Emirates (that I have been taking for 3 years to travel between Tunisia and South Korea/Japan), and so I thought I'd share my results with you :D!

Before I start my totally unprofessional/very personal comparison, I would like to mention that according to World Airline Awards (, Emirates fell down to the 4th position in 2014 after it was ranked 1st in 2013, while Turkish Airlines rose to 5th position after being ranked 9th in 2013. 

That being said, I personally do not care much about rankings and awards, I just used to fly with Emirates because it's cheaper, but this time my master scholarship included the plane ticket and they chose Turkish Airlines for some reason, so I got the chance to notice every single details about the flights, because after 3 years of very tiring long flights, you become picky!

And here goes my comparison, arranged in a chart for simplicity!
(please keep in mind that for the 1st and the 2nd questions, I am discussing Tunis-Narita flights)

Turkish Airlines
How much? (average)
How long? (average) (first flight + transit time + second flight)
6h + 4h + 9h
3h + 5h + 12h
On flight service (cabin crew)
On flight entertainment
On flight food
Seat comfort (economy class)
View from the air plane when about land (useless but I have something to say about that too)
5/5 (View of Istanbul at night is AMAZING)
Airport of transit (rest areas)
Airport of transit (food courts)
Airport of transit (duty free)
Airport of transit (staff)

So, for the food, it was just “gorgeous” (hi there Becky :p) on Turkish Air but just got worse on Emirates year after year.
For the seats, I have to admit that Emirates seats are quite comfortable. I'd even manage to find a comfortable position and get some sleep (which is very difficult for me usually) but with Turkish Airlines, the seats were small (and I don't need that much space, so for me to think they are small...) and very not helping to take even a short nap during the many hours of flight.

So to conclude, my personal choice (if anyone cares) is definitely Emirates, even if the food sucks. I'd rather have a sucky meal and a comfortable seat than good food and 12 hours of horrible back, shoulders, neck, everything pain.
Also because Dubai airport is huge and awesome, even if you don't buy anything, it's awesome enough to walk around and eye-shop (not like is shopping for eyes, but in like just look, not buy... I'm sure you know what I mean xD). 


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Reasons Why I Can't Get Married Yet

Reasons why I can't get married yet

To my family, my friends and my beloved society that thinks I'm a poor woman who still hasn't been able to get married yet... They told me, they warned me 3 years ago! "Don't go to Korea now! Find a husband before! If you leave now while you're single, it's gonna be too late! By the time you are back, everyone will be taken!"

WELL GUESS WHAT???? I found guys outside of Tunisia too you know!!!! :o :o :o 
PLUS, here! Read this! Reasons why I don't want to get married now! Read it, memorize it, then leave me alone! 

1- I am still young. At east, I still "FEEL" young! Maybe my real age is 25 and I'm a "quarter of a century old", but in my brain I'm still 20 or less, so I still can't cope up with the idea of getting married.

2- I hate divorce. It's expensive, it's too much trouble, and once you have kids, it becomes even worse. So getting married means spending my whole life with one person. I personally haven't met someone I would wake up and see his face everyday until the end of times yet. Imagine I hurry up, get married to please my family and the society, then realize I picked the wrong guy. I'd be doomed for life!

3- I have too many guy friends, and this had me have some troubles with some of my ex boyfriends before, because they tend to get jealous and stuff. Thing is, my friends are too important for me to choose a boyfriend over them, so when my lovely boyfriend puts me in a situation of choice, he won't like it. I don't want to imagine this situation with a husband.

4- I love my family name! I don't want to have to change it! I need to find a guy with a family name that sounds good when pronounced after my full name!

5- I love to dance Batchata, I get so much into it that I would be spiritually cheating on my husband each time I'm dancing batchata. Plus, I love to change partners, so even if my husband is the best Batchata dancer on earth, I would always want to dance with other guys, therefore spiritually cheating on beloved husband.

6- I have other priorities in life to achieve while still single. I want to travel around the world sometimes alone sometimes with friends. I don't want to have to carry my official relationship with me. How am I supposed to flirt here and there with the locals if I have my husband next to me 24/7? Also, there are many stupid things I want to do before becoming a married boring responsible wife! 

7- I have very bad mood swings and sometimes I don't want to do anything and I don't want anyone to be talking to me. Imagine this situation lasting for several days, what will my husband do? So until I figure out how to fix this, I'm not getting married. 

8- I come from an Arab family, and Arab weddings last for 4-5 days sometimes and they are extremely exhausting. Also, the number of people who get invited to weddings is so unbelievably huge that when I was around 10-11, in my mother's home town, my cousin and I used to dress up and get ready at night then go to 3 or 4 different weddings, uninvited, just like that. We eat some food and get some drinks, maybe dance a bit then get to the next ceremony, and no one would ever notice! If I'm getting married, I want a one night small ceremony, end of the conversation. But go and convince your Arab family...

9- When I was 12 or 13 I started sleeping in a double bed, that has been my own bed, in my own room, that no one enters. So I'm used to sleeping alone right in the middle of the bed with empty space still everywhere around me. So now, I don't feel very comfortable sharing my bed or my blanket. I might have had some friends or cousins sleeping over, but they only stayed for couple nights, not forever! How am I supposed to have someone sharing my bed if I sleep in the middle of the freaking bed?

10- Last but not least, I can't get married yet because I still don't want to! I don't care if my friends from high school are engaged or have kids, they are the hare, I'm the tortoise. And remember your childhood stories guys, who won the race? OH YEAH the tortoise!

So here it is Mom!! Reasons why I don't want to get married yet. Time is flying? TIC TOC TIC TOC? I don't care, I want to enjoy being "Sexy, Free and Single" (reference to one of Super Junior's albums, Korean band, if you don't know them) while I still can.
But I will get married someday. First I have to achieve everything that I want to achieve while single AND find the one person I want to share more than a bed with FOREVER...

You agree? You no agree? You like? You no like? 
Let me know! I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking this way!!!

Direction Dubai on Emirates, Incheon Aiport, South Korea

Sunday, April 27, 2014

15 Things You Shouldn't Do

15 Things You Shouldn't Do

1- Make a promise you cannot keep.
2- Postpone to later what you can do now. Later is another time and there is something else that has to be done when later comes.
3- Get drunk and start texting people. You will rarely get something good out of it.
4- Leave someone's room and leave their door open. You will just bring hatred on yourself and they will most probably just call you back to ask you to close the door.
5- Pretend to be talking on your phone when you haven't checked if it was on silent mode or not. Imagine the embarrassment when your phone starts ringing in the middle of your so-interesting/important conversation.
6- Use the toilet without checking if you have toilet paper.
7- Get angry at your boyfriend, not tell him the reason why you are pissed off and expect him to figure it out by himself. Unless you are dating the Wizard of Oz girl, get yourself together and use your tongue... to speak... (works also for drama kings, aka boys)
8- Laugh and tell stories of your life with the loudest voice you can ever get in public places. No one cares about how you beat your record in Flappy Bird.
9- Make up stories and lies about people and things then forget them (the stories).
10- Ignore the hygiene of your teeth. They are literally one of the very first things people will ever see in you. You don't want to scare that pretty lady or that boss hiring you with the 50 shades of yellow on your teeth.
11- Have all SNS applications on your phone because that will actually turn you into a non-social person.
12- Think too much before making a decision. The more you think the more time your brain will have to come up with doubts and what if's. Just make one decision and assume the consequences whatever they are.
13- Stalk people then pretend it's such an amazing “coincidence” that you met in the same mall in the same store at the same time, you two of all people, right here of all places.
14- Call someone's name then say “nothing... just forget about it”. If you are opening your mouth, do it properly or zip it for life.
15- Say the word “cute” in a supposed-to-be-cute way, with a high pitched voice because it brings up murderer instincts in most people around you, and if they kill you, they will have to go to jail for it, so you ruined your life (because you're dead now), your killer's life (because he/she is in jail now) as well as the life of everyone who cares for any of you two (because they either lost you or him/her). Don't be selfish, learn how to pronounce the word properly or don't say it. This is valid for all languages and dialects.

Thanks for reading! If you have any other don't you think I can add to my list, let me know!
Other than that, my little brother loves to make videos, and I edit them for him. We just had one video posted on my channel on youtube few days ago:
Throw a thumbs up here, a comment there, it actually means more to him than to me. Also we might film more videos together if he asks me to.

Graciaaaas~~ ^_^

Friday, April 25, 2014

Brands Everyone Should Use For Life.

Brands Everyone Should Use For Life.

The world we live in now is this amazing place where the truth about everything can be known right away. One glance and your awesomely structured brain will build a whole image and a bunch of opinions concerning people and things. And you will find yourself doing that one thing everyone on earth does so well: "Judging".

And in order for you not to be badly judged -and not to badly judge others as well-, I did some research and I managed to get you a list of few brands and items that will make you a better person in the eyes and thoughts of everyone else as well as yours.

1- Item: Smartphone / Brand: "Love":

This brand is sadly enough not very famous but in my opinion it is one of the best smartphone brands one can ever have. It allows its users to keep more in touch with friends and family. It has an automatic reminder set up for birthdays and special occasions so that you succeed in making people around you always remembered and loved. It even has an innovative and totally free application called "spontaneous". This application will  generate in its users spontaneous actions and reactions to ameliorate their personality and make a good person out of them.

2- Item: Earplugs & Earphones / Brand: "Humor By We":

No one can deny the fact that nowadays earplugs and earphones have become a must have accessory in everyone's life. We use them while working, while playing, while exercising... all the time.
So it is necessary to know which brand to have in order to get a comfortable use out of this item with no damage to your ears. Here I recommend the brand "Humor By We", for its very special option that no other earphones have ever had before. In fact, this brand includes the technology to "filter" what sounds and words come to our ears, allowing us to only hear the good and ignore the bad. It also permits to lighten up our mood in order for us to take things easy and not to get all angry or sensitive to every word said around us. This permits to avoid misunderstandings also so that we can all live in a better more relaxed atmosphere.

3- Item: Shoes / Brand: "Understanding":

Unlike other shoe brands, "Understanding" makes every type of footwear, from heels, flats, boots to sneakers, professional trainers and even hiking boots. The plus that this brand offers is that it allows its users to not only walk on their shoes very comfortably, but also to walk in someone else's shoes from time to time, therefore allowing them to know each other better, what each other had to go through in their lives etc. This brand offers the option to see the truth of others around us, to understand where they come from and where they're going to. Comfortable walk through life for you and the ones around you guaranteed.  

4- Item: Clothes / Brand: "Happiness":

So this brand is fit for everyone, males and females, children and adults. It provides every type of clothing necessary all around the year, from swimwear  to coats, going through the normal t-shirts, jeans, summer dresses, gowns, formal outfits, etc. What is special and unique about this brand is that it allows you to cover your body with a layer of happiness, and this contact with your skin will affect your general mood daily, making you start  happy and light everyday. This works so well that others around you can see it and feel your happiness, and we all know that happiness is contagious. The more people choosing this brand, the happier the society we live in will get. I personally cannot think of anything better.

So that's it for the list of items and brands I prepared for you. I hope you can start using them. The very good thing about these 4 brands is that they are all free. Yes, everything these brands offer are free of charges, no money needed, nothing. It's just up to you whether to choose them or not. 
Think well, make the right decision, because at some point of your life you will find yourself in front of each one of these brands' stores. 
And keep this in mind: "your choices won't just affect you; they will affect everyone else around you."

Thursday, April 24, 2014

My 10 Facts/Tips About Life

My 10 Facts/Tips About Life

(Notice: These facts are from my own perspective of life! You might agree you might disagree!)

1. "Water boils at 100°C". This one fact will always come to my mind first, I am sure I will never forget it.

2. "Cats are mean". Okay so, I might be getting some hate from cat-lovers, but in my opinion (shared by a huge number of people) cats are mean, indeed. After all this is MY facts about life, and I'm more dogs than cats!

3. "If you fall, people around you will laugh. Unless you fall of a bridge, a cliff or a skyscraper". The lesson here is: better for you to have people laugh for you than cry at you... that means you're still alive!

4. "Too much computer eats your brain. If you're still alive, then you're living in the Matrix". You're reading this, you're alive, you're in the Matrix. 

5. "Labor pain is the worse pain a human being can feel. Therefore guys, be understanding please, even though you are lucky as hell for not having to go through it." I seize this small chance to share this video with you where a doctor (Dr. Julie Masters, if I'm not mistaken) tried to simulate the labor pain to 2 guys through electrode simulations that will give some contractions similar to the labor contractions.


6. "The capital of Brazil isn't Rio de Janeiro... It's Brasilia". Learn your geography guys!

7. "People who swear a lot happen to be more honest than others." (I'm not encouraging though, just stating facts here!)

8. "If people laugh at your goals and ambitions, that means 2 things: 
1- they are jealous they didn't have this idea before you did. 
2- your goals or ambitions are big enough for you to follow them" 
And I quote Azim Premji here, Indian business tycoon and philanthropist, and he said "If people are not laughing at your goals, your goals are too small..." 

9. "Cockroaches can live several weeks with their heads cut off." Then you wonder why these creatures freak the sh*t out of me??? Especially when they have wings and can FLY!!!!!!! Oh God! Help us survive!!!

10. "Aliens do exist and they are watching us from above while we are being messed up, stupid, always angry, not thankful and not happy enough, fighting for no reason, killing each other... and they are laughing at us and at our ignorance". Carry on with this attitude humans and we'll never get the awesome chance to meet them Aliens!!!!!! ALL OUR FAULT!

And that's it, 10 facts/tips about life from my own perspective. If you have other facts, you're welcome to share them with me! I'm interested to know what you think!

Also, I seize this chance to wish a Happy 156th Birthday to the awesome Max Planck, THE theoretical physicist who originated the "Quantum Theory"! Thanks for making my life harder dude and for giving me one more theory to study -_____-! 


Random picture: Beautiful Shanghai, Summer 2009.